About Mary
Author. Speaker. Facilitator. Consultant. CEO coach. MasterMind facilitator. All describe Mary Byers, CAE, CSP.
Through highly interactive programs and carefully choreographed retreats, Mary uses compelling questions and thought-provoking techniques to encourage participation and allow associations to gain the input they need from stakeholders. Mary’s presentations and facilitated events strike a chord with audience members and she’s asked back by clients repeatedly.
Mary has worked with over 400 associations (both individual membership and trade groups) and helps associations remain relevant in an increasingly competitive environment. The author of Race for Relevance: 5 Radical Changes for Associations and Road to Relevance: 5 Strategies for Competitive Associations, Mary is a trusted advisor who helps volunteer leaders and staff alike create a viable and sustainable future.
Mary is the host of The Successful Associations Today Podcast and is an association CEO coach and private MasterMind facilitator.

Client Fields We Serve
Agricultural | Funeral Service | Association Executives | Insurance | Biological | Legal | Construction | Medical | Dental | Municipal | Education | Real Estate | Engineering | Other | Financial
You exceeded my expectations and were a welcomed surprise to almost everyone who attended.
We continue to hear positive feedback on your impact on the Board. They found your facilitation to be superior and said they learned tactics to improve virtual meetings that they will be conducting. So did I! Thanks again for your involvement with ASDA.
Thank you for seeing us through the process of re-imagining the CCCU and for facilitating the conversations at our board meetings. You led with grace and brought clarity. I believe the conversations and decision points were made easier by your thoughtful planning and guidance.
Thank you so much for the wonderful experience you provided in facilitating the strategic plan. The ARN board is still talking about how much they enjoyed the experience.