217-414-2989 mbyers@marybyers.com

Case Studies in Governance Changes

Looking for some case studies to help your leadership consider governance changes within your organization? Take a look at what other organizations have done:

Michigan Association of Insurance Agents Number of voting board members 18 down to 11
American Association of Equine Practitioners Number of voting board members 20 down to 10
Calgary Chamber of Commerce Number of voting board members 20 down to 10
American Animal Hospital Association Task force proposing number of voting board members 17 down to 8
New York State Optometric Association Downsized the board from 26 to 12 (with the possible further reduction to 7)
Association of Pool & Spa Professionals Board reduced in size from 24 positions to a range of 7-11 positions (as determined by the board from time to time)
Association for Healthcare Philanthropy Proposed reducing board of 15 to 6
American Nurses Association Got rid of their 675-member House of Delegates
Nevada Dental Association House of Delegates reduced from 48 to 24
Pennsylvania Dental Association Eliminated House of Delegates and reduced board from 18 to 5
Minnesota Medical Association Suspended House of Delegates for three years and will revisit at the end of the suspension

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