217-414-2989 mbyers@marybyers.com

Deliberate Action Builds an Innovative Culture

My recent original research about association innovation shows that highly innovative cultures don’t just happen: they are carefully and intentionally built. The graphic below illustrates the “Path of Resistance” to achieving a strong culture. The “easiest” component to install at an association is giving permission—either to start doing or stop doing something. Then, as momentum builds, it is imperative that victories—big and small—are recognized and rewarded. As a more formal vision and direction begin to develop, other implementation-specific details will need to build alongside the vision in order to be successful.

I’ve noticed that innovative association cultures have three things going for them:

Alignment: the board and staff agree on the importance of innovation and adequately resource it

Accountability: a senior staff person (whether it’s the CEO or another job title) is held accountable for leading innovation

Acceleration: Success leads to more success and buy-in as the board and staff together see how innovation creates a vibrant future for the organization

You can download the Association Innovation Scan (completed in partnership with Loyalty Research Center) and access a digital vault at associationinnovation.today. It’s full of valuable insights and may be something to share with your board to get a conversation started about resourcing innovation in your organization. Now’s the time to do it as you prepare your “go forward” strategy.


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