Successful Associations Today Podcast

Mary Byers takes a bold, no-nonsense look at the realities of today’s marketplace and what it will take for associations to prosper moving forward. She addresses not only the challenges associations face but the actions essential to a thriving future. As host of the interview series Successful Associations Today, Mary helps associations remain relevant in an increasingly competitive environment. The author of Race for Relevance: 5 Radical Changes for Associations and Road to Relevance: 5 Strategies for Competitive Associations, she’s worked with a wide variety of associations (both individual membership and trade groups) and helps volunteer leaders and staff alike create a viable and sustainable future.
Ep. #57 – Maddie Grant – Digital First: What You Really Need to Know
Maddie Grant, CAE is co-founder of Propel and an expert culture designer and digital strategist. She shares the difference between being digitized and being digital and what associations really need to know about digital transformation in today's world.
Ep. #56 – Garth Jordan – Traditional Mission & Vision to a Just Cause
Garth Jordan is CEO of the American Animal Hospital Association, and we're talking about replacing a traditional mission and vision statement with a simplified version called a just cause, what that is, and how it benefits your association and your members.
Ep. #55 – Market Research & Innovation Roundtable
How can market research help your association develop strategy for innovation? Listen in as we share conversations and case studies around this very important topic with my guests Joe Skeel, Executive Director of the Indiana State Bar Association, Stephanie Mercado,...
Ep. #54 – Harrison Coerver – Race for Relevance 10 Year Update
Harrison Coerver is president of Harrison Coerver and Associates and co-author of Race for Relevance. With the release of the 10th anniversary edition, we reflect back on how the concepts in the original book have stood the test of time and some updates.
Ep. #53 – Seth Kahan – Harness the Power of the Pause
Seth Kahan is an author and executive strategy advisor on change and innovation who works with senior leaders and association executives. He recommends intentional solo thinking time as an essential part of both strategy and innovation for leaders.
Ep. #52 – Karyn Greenstreet – The Pros and Cons of Mastermind Groups
Karyn Greenstreet is a small business consultant, mastermind group expert and founder of The Success Alliance™ — a company devoted to helping individuals and organizations design and grow their own mastermind groups.
Ep. #51 – Cynthia Mills – The Deeper Work of Leadership
Cynthia Mills, president and CEO of The Leaders’ Haven™, helps leaders and teams go beyond business as usual and continuously transform so they can fulfill their true calling and exceed the expectations of the people they serve.
Ep. #50 – Arianna Rehak – Offering “Tribrid” Events
Arianna Rehak, CEO of Matchbox Virtual Media, and her team coined the term "tribrid" to describe the three distinct categories of experiences when offering an event both in person and virtually in order to meet the needs of each unique audience.
Ep. #49 – Aaron Wolowiec – Healthy by Association
Aaron Wolowiec, the founder and CEO of Event Garde, established the Healthy by Association community for people in stress-riddled association and hospitality industries to connect around a shared lifestyle and inspire each other to invest in their health.