217-414-2989 mbyers@marybyers.com

Successful Associations Today Podcast

Mary Byers takes a bold, no-nonsense look at the realities of today’s marketplace and what it will take for associations to prosper moving forward. She addresses not only the challenges associations face but the actions essential to a thriving future. As host of the interview series Successful Associations Today, Mary helps associations remain relevant in an increasingly competitive environment. The author of Race for Relevance: 5 Radical Changes for Associations and Road to Relevance: 5 Strategies for Competitive Associations, she’s worked with a wide variety of associations (both individual membership and trade groups) and helps volunteer leaders and staff alike create a viable and sustainable future.

Ep #27: Let’s Talk About Grief

No grief is insignificant. Grief is grief. Large losses leave us wondering how we’ll make it. But small losses add up, too. And continual small losses, such as what we’re experiencing as a result of COVID-19, have a cumulative impact.

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Ep #26: A Love Letter to Associations

I’ve been proud to hear the names of associations in daily news briefings and to see the work they are doing. I’m also hearing wonderful things about the staff members who are pivoting, innovating, and scrambling. We're noticing and applauding you.

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Ep #25: Resilience Amid Unexpected Crisis

I usually have a guest discussing something noteworthy his or her association is doing. Not this time. I’m recording today in the midst of the Corona Virus, inviting you to lean into this by asking four essential questions.

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