Successful Associations Today Podcast
Mary Byers takes a bold, no-nonsense look at the realities of today’s marketplace and what it will take for associations to prosper moving forward. She addresses not only the challenges associations face but the actions essential to a thriving future. As host of the interview series Successful Associations Today, Mary helps associations remain relevant in an increasingly competitive environment. The author of Race for Relevance: 5 Radical Changes for Associations and Road to Relevance: 5 Strategies for Competitive Associations, she’s worked with a wide variety of associations (both individual membership and trade groups) and helps volunteer leaders and staff alike create a viable and sustainable future.
Ep #3: Ralph Johnson – Tiered Pricing Coming to an Association Near You
The Colorado Veterinary Medical Association launched tiered pricing in 2016. The result? A membership increase of 11.5%! (Yes, you read that right.) CVMA lets members “choose their adventure” via three membership tiers. In this episode, I interviewed Ralph Johnson,...
Ep #2: Adrienne White-Faines – How Do You Engage Younger Members?
How do you engage younger members—even though your governance favors (and rewards) longevity in volunteer leadership? That’s the dilemma Adrienne White-Faines faced as Executive Director and CEO of the American Osteopathic Association. Though the association is over...
Ep #1: Mary Augsburger – The Ohio State Bar Association Makes Big Changes to Dues Model
The Ohio State Bar Association went from 17 dues categories to 3. Learn why they made such a big change and the role market research and member involvement played in shaping the new model.
Innovation That Matters to Members
Breathtaking—that’s the only word I can think of to describe what the Michigan Farm Bureau (MFB) is doing for members. I advise associations to focus on helping members “work less stressfully, more profitably and more productively.” I also suggest asking, “What can we...
Streamline the Discussion on New Programs and Services
Join me and Christine Eme, CAE, CMP, executive director, Eastern Association for the Surgery of Trauma as we discuss the decision package she uses with her board. [Listening Time: 6 minutes]
Strategic Planning for Your Association
Join me and Holly Duckworth, CEO, Leadership Solutions International as we discuss how strategic planning has changed -- and what to think about when you're ready to plan your next retreat. Click here to listen. [Listening Time 8:16]
Creating Relevance by Joining the Workforce Conversation
My guest, Shelly Alcorn, Principal, Alcorn Management Consulting, encourages associations to join the workforce conversation and sees it as an opportunity to create relevance for both members and future members. Click here to listen. [Listening Time: 8 minutes]...
A Look at a For-Profit Association
Join me and Larry Lynch, President, as we discuss the for-profit United States Personal Chef Association. Larry offers food for thought about the limitations of a traditional non-profit structure. [Listening Time: 4 minutes]
Young Professionals Group Adds Energy
Listen in as Mary Byers and Doug Wareham, Senior Vice President, Government Relations, of the Kansas Bankers Association talk about engaging young professionals and what's making the Young Bank Officers of Kansas (YBAC) a vibrant, growing community within the...