217-414-2989 mbyers@marybyers.com
“For Now” or “Forever”?

“For Now” or “Forever”?

Fewer meeting attendees. Membership non-renews. Higher virtual attendance. A more global reach. Which of these trends are “for now” and which are “forever”?  In January of this year, the Consumer Technology Association held its first in-person CES (previously known as...
More Turbulence Ahead

More Turbulence Ahead

I’ve been watching social media posts about the state of the travel/hospitality industry. Here are some recent posts from this week (without attribution to protect privacy): Last summer, we checked into a major brand hotel we have used many times with no issues. Went...
What We Can Learn from Coca-Cola

What We Can Learn from Coca-Cola

James Quincey, CEO of Coca-Cola, has killed off nearly half of his company’s 400 brands, including Tab, Odwalla smoothies and Zico coconut water. Why? These 200 brands represented only 2% of sales. As interest in full-sugar soft drinks wanes, Quincey faces the...