by Mary Byers | Feb 14, 2025 | Blog, Conversation Starters, Strategies for Success
Competitive advantage is a condition or circumstance that puts a company (or association) in a favorable or superior business position. In her book Creating Competitive Advantage, Jaynie Smith writes, “It answers the customer’s key question: Why should I do business...
by Mary Byers | Jan 17, 2025 | Blog, Conversation Starters, Relevant Thoughts, Strategies for Success
I crossed something off my bucket list last year: visiting Graceland, Elvis Presley’s home. I was 15 when he died, and as I wandered through the grounds, I wondered how long it would be before no one remembered or cared about him. This pondering led me to some...
by Mary Byers | Mar 31, 2021 | Blog, Conversation Starters
What traits do innovative cultures have in common? The graphic above shows six. Though this isn’t a complete list, it’s a good place to start. If you’re lacking in any of these areas, your innovation culture isn’t as strong as it could be. You can download the...
by Mary Byers | Mar 26, 2021 | Blog, Conversation Starters, Strategies for Success
The headwinds against association innovation are strong. It’s clear that comfort, status quo, complacency and inertia represent business as usual. How do we move—collectively as staff and board—to discomfort, disruption, and industriousness? We plan for it. Business...
by Mary Byers | Mar 12, 2021 | Blog, Conversation Starters, Strategies for Success
In 2012, Michigan farmers experienced a gut-punch: the worst year on record since 1925 due to a deep freeze. Apple growers picked only 10-15 percent of their normal crop. Tart cherry production dropped by a whopping 92 percent. Peaches, pears and plums had essentially...
by Mary Byers | Mar 3, 2021 | Blog, Conversation Starters, Strategies for Success
An association innovation process map makes it easier to understand what happens when and how it will happen. It assists staff in understanding their respective creation roles. And, importantly, it makes it easier to emphasize the importance of innovation during new...