217-414-2989 mbyers@marybyers.com


Four Reasons You Shouldn’t Plan to “Go Back to Normal”

Four Reasons You Shouldn’t Plan to “Go Back to Normal”

We have just been through (and depending on where you live, are still going through) a worldwide event that slowed society for two years and disrupted communities, education, work and health care. Many people lost their lives—or a loved one. Do we really think we can just “go back”? I’m certainly hearing this desire in association boardrooms and virtual strategy sessions. The bigger question is, “Why would we want to?”

What We Can Learn from Coca-Cola

What We Can Learn from Coca-Cola

James Quincey, CEO of Coca-Cola, has killed off nearly half of his company’s 400 brands, including Tab, Odwalla smoothies and Zico coconut water. Why? These 200 brands represented only 2% of sales. As interest in full-sugar soft drinks wanes, Quincey faces the...

Is It Time to Retire Generational Labels?

Is It Time to Retire Generational Labels?

In the association arena, generational labels are helpful shorthand to acknowledge that members and their needs change—and that what we do and how we communicate should change as well. They are a way to combat the complacency behind “we’ve always done it this way.”

Houses of Worship Are in a Race for Relevance Too

Houses of Worship Are in a Race for Relevance Too

A recent Gallup poll found that fewer than half of American adults belonged to a house of worship, compared with 70% in 1999. If you run a house of worship, this is obviously concerning. The “Nones” (those who describe their religious identification as “nothing” or...

Are You Tracking Market Changes?

Are You Tracking Market Changes?

Your members operate in markets and these environments are dynamic. Your association should be actively monitoring what’s going on and be able to articulate what’s happening—and identify the implications for your organization.

The Great Resignation Association Style

The Great Resignation Association Style

You may have read about “The Great Resignation”— droves of employees quitting their jobs for new opportunities, to start their own businesses, or to avoid a long commute and/or a return to the office. Associations are not immune to this trend. According to workforce...

Your “Go Forward” Strategy

Your “Go Forward” Strategy

Have you heard your board talking about “going back to the way things used to be?” If so, don’t let them! The pandemic accelerated trends that have been challenging associations for years. It also created a sense of urgency and provided a tailwind for needed change....

What Associations Can Learn from Coca-Cola

What Associations Can Learn from Coca-Cola

According to an article by Jordan Valinsky, though Coke Energy had just hit shelves in January 2020, the pandemic altered the beverage giant's business strategy. In a statement, Coke said that it's focusing on the drinks that are selling well, including...